Category: Improvement

  • Practice and Why It Is Important

    Practice and Why It Is Important

    It’s In Your Brains! Brains are amazing things. Brains are very plastic, meaning they can adapt even after massive trauma, even in adults (though clearly they’re far more flexible in children). They also become more efficient. When you do a thing, by the nervous system sending signals to your body part. The more you do…

  • Critiques


    Critiques can be rough. Showing off art in any capacity opens us up to criticism and undoubtedly we’ve all had varying experiences after asking someone what they think of a particular work of art. Less-than-constructive feedback can go as follows: “It looks bad.” “The eye looks weird.” “I like it.” “I don’t like it.” “Is…

  • Stick Figures Are Okay

    Stick Figures Are Okay

    “I can only draw stick figures!” That’s GOOD. That means you are using your eyeballs and your brain both to see that the human body is made up of a vaguely circle-shaped thing on top, a shape that is a body, and a shape that is limbs. At its most basic, drawing is learning to…

  • Project Drawing Improvement  – Part 1

    Project Drawing Improvement – Part 1

    This is the initial stages for self-improvement for my own art and will be refined as I go along. This is mostly for me. However, I have found that I learn infinitely better when trying to teach other people, so I’ve invited a few people to work along with me here. We can ask for…